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Burly and Grum's Halloween Adventure Page 3

family only eat cookies you like cookies don’t you Burly please say he can come with us he’s a really nice bat.”

  Frank did a couple of swoops. Burly rolled his eyes. “Oh okay, he can come along but he’s got to behave.” Frank nodded eagerly and let out a high pitched squeak.

  “Yay!” shouted Max. “This has really got to be the greatest Halloween ever! Come on everyone!”

  And so Burlington bear, Grum the groblin, Max the human and Frank the bat took Meg home and stopped off at every house along the way to do some trick or treating. Meg skipped along the pavement beside Burly. She shook her bottle of fairy glitter, took a tiny pinch from it and threw the twinkling glitter lightly in the air. It sparkled and shimmered, her little wings fluttered and her feet left the ground. Burly immediately shot a paw out and took hold of one of her hands to stop her floating away. He smiled and winked at her.

  “I love you Burly,” said Meg the fairy happily.

  “I love you too,” said Burlington bear, “but now it’s time to go home and you have to say goodnight to everyone.”

  “Grum and Max and Frank and you have got to say goodnight as well,” said Meg.

  Frank perched on Burly’s shoulder and Max and Grum stood either side of Burly. They took deep breaths then everyone shouted at the top of their voices, “Goodnight everyone! HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!

  “WAH-HA-HA!” roared Burly so loudly that the whole street rattled.

  “Hey, that’s my line,” squeaked Frank and they all laughed – it really had been the best Halloween ever.

  Dear Reader

  I do hope you enjoyed Burly & Grum’s Halloween adventure, I know I had a lot of fun writing it! You can also download a free audio version of this short story from their website. If you’d like to know more about Burly and Grum and see what else they get up to just click on the link

  With best wishes from everyone who works with Burly and Grum!